Sericulture in Lakhimpur :
district is one of the major silk producing districts of Assam.
The congenial climatic condition and suitable soil texture bestow
it an optimum biosphere enriched with more than 380 species of
host food plants for different sericigenous insets like Eri (Philosamia
richini), Muga (Antheraea assama), Mulberry (Bombyx mori) etc,
which are conventionally reared up in the district since time
immemorial. Due to its well flourished natural vegetation, this
district has remarkable entity of various rare species of wild
silk moth such as Attacus atlas (Kotrori Muga), Actias seleni
(Moon moth), Antheraea pernyi (Chines Tasar moth), Antherea mylita
(Tassar), Samia cynthia (Ailanthus moth) etc in its potent Bio-diversity.
Commercial exploitation of some of these non-conventional silk
worm species are yet to be ascertained.
Rearing of Silks worms and its exploitation for elegant fabrication
is one of the salient features of enriched agro and cultural heritage
of the district. For this reason sericulture is considered as
the most prominent and most common livelihood of it, next to Agriculture.
It contributes 25% to 30% of total domestic production of Assam,
as far Silk is concerned. Large scale production of fabulous golden
yellow Muga Cocoon and yarn, creamy white Eri Cocoon and yarn
and Silvery Mulberry Silk yarn (Keccha Pat) is now becoming an
identity of the District. |
Present Status of Sericulture in Lakhimpur
District :
& Manpower :
(a) Nos. of Seri. Villages : 716 Nos.
(b)Nos. of Seri. Families :
(i) Eri Rearers : 9,030 Nos.
(ii) Muga Rearers : 7,571 Nos.
(iii) Mulberry Reeler : 14,441 Nos.
(c) Reelers and Spinner : 4,500 Nos.
(d) Silk Weaver : 3,000 Nos.
(e) Area Under Plantation in Private Sector :
(ii)Muga : 1,385.80 Hect.
(iii)Mulberry : 782.20 Hect.
(f) Nos. of SHG involved in Seri. activities : 74 Nos.
(g) Nos. of NGO involved in Seri. activities : 6 Nos.
Institutions :
- Govt. Muga Farm : 2 Nos.
- Mulberry Seri Farm : 2 Nos.
- Govt. Eri Seed Farm : 1 No.
- Muga Village Grazing Reserve : 6 Nos.
- Collective Mulberry Garden : 5 Nos.
- Eri Concentration Center : 1 No.
- Muga Som Nursery : 1 No.
- Reeling Unit : 3 Nos.
- Cocoon Marketing Center : 1 No.